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Top right → [Account] → Security credentials

  • AWS account ID
  • Access keys → Create access key


Security, Identity, & Compliance

Service Description
Cognito manage identity inside applications. Add registration and sign-in to your apps. Provide AWS credentials for access to cloud resources.
Directory Service host and manage Active Directory (AD connector also)
IAM manage access to AWS resources (Identity and Access Management). Defines who can access to what.
Secrets Manager central place to store and retrieve secrets
WAF web application firewall


Service Description
EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud: virtual machines
Lambda run code in response to events without servers


Service Description
ECS Elastic Container Service
ECR Elastic Container Registry: store, manage and deploy container images
EKS Elastic Kubernetes Service


Service Description
EFS Elastic File Storage with NFS
S3 Simple Storage Service: scalable storage for objects
S3 Glacier archive storage


Service Description
DocumentDB MongoDB-compatible database service
DynamoDB NoSQL (key-value) database
ElastiCache In-memory cache database compatible with Redis and Memcached
RDS Relational Database Service

Networking and content delivery

Service Description
API Gateway Build, Deploy and Manage APIs
App Mesh Monitor and control microservices
Cloud Front Global Content Delivery Network. Redirects requests to the nearest resources. Resources are caches in edge locations.
Cloud Map Build a dynamic map of your cloud
VPC Virtual Private Cloud. Isolated Cloud Resources

Management and Governance (monitoring)

Service Description
Cloud Formation Create and Manage Resources with Templates. Infrastructure as Code
Cloud Watch Monitor Resources and Applications
Grafana Grafana service
Health Dashboard
Ops Works Configuration Management with Chef and Puppet
Prometheus Prometheus service