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HTTP Status Codes

De Banane Atomic


1xx Informational Status Codes

2xx Successful Status Codes

Codes Titres Explications
200 OK
204 No Content

3xx Redirection Status Codes

Codes Titres Explications
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found The requested resource resides temporarily in another location, but it can still be found at the requested URI.
304 Not Modified If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified,
the server should respond with this status code.

4xx Client Error Status Codes

Codes Titres Explications
400 Bad Request The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error

(e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)

401 Unauthorized login / password incorrect
403 Forbidden règle interdisant l'accès
404 Not Found l'uri demandé ne correspond à aucun fichier
422 Unprocessable Entity The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. (ex: invalid data)

5xx Server Error Status Codes

Codes Titres Explications
500 Internal server error ???
502 Bad Gateway Mauvaise réponse envoyée à un serveur intermédiaire par un autre serveur
503 Service Unavailable le serveur ne peut traiter la requête car il est momentanément surchargé

Spécifiques à Nginx

Codes Titres Explications
444 No Response Used in Nginx logs to indicate that the server has returned no information to the client and closed the connection (useful as a deterrent for malware).
494 Request Header Too Large Nginx internal code similar to 431 (Request Header Fields Too Large) but it was introduced earlier.
495 Cert Error Nginx internal code used when SSL client certificate error occurred to distinguish it from 4XX in a log and an error page redirection.
496 No Cert Nginx internal code used when client didn't provide certificate to distinguish it from 4XX in a log and an error page redirection.
497 HTTP to HTTPS Nginx internal code used for the plain HTTP requests that are sent to HTTPS port to distinguish it from 4XX in a log and an error page redirection.
499 Client Closed Request Used in Nginx logs to indicate when the connection has been closed by client while the server is still processing its request,
making server unable to send a status code back.
502 Bad Gateway Le service Fast CGI (pour PHP, ASP ou autres) n'est pas lancé.