Command line windows
De Banane Atomic
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Users and groups
# list local users net user # display account information (groups of which he is a member) net user [username] # create an account net user /add [username] # it prompts the password # list local groups net localgroup # list the users of a group net localgroup [groupname] # add a user to a group net localgroup administrators [username] /add |
Access Control Lists
# save the DACLs of c:\folder\file.ext to c:\folder\acl.txt icacls c:\folder\file.ext /save c:\folder\acl.txt # restore the DACLs of c:\folder\file.ext from c:\folder\acl.txt icacls c:\folder\file.ext /restore c:\folder\acl.txt # grant to User1 the Delete and Write DAC permissions to c:\folder\file.ext icacls c:\folder\file.ext /grant User1:(d,wdac) |
Code | Description |
F | Full access |
M | Modify access |
RX | Read and execute access |
R | Read-only access |
W | Write-only access |
Service Controller
# display the current permissions for MyService as an SDDL string sc sdshow MyService # set the permissions for MyService sc sdset MyService "D:(A...)(A;;RPWPCR;;;S-1-5-21-2133228432-2794320136-1823075350-1000)S:(...)" # get the SID of the current user whoami /user |
Code | Description |
S: | System Access Control List (SACL) |
D: | Discretionary ACL (DACL) |
A | Allow |
D | Deny |
CC | SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG (request service settings) |
LC | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS (service status polling) |
AU | Authenticated Users |
AO | Account operators |
RU | Alias to allow previous Windows 2000 |
AN | Anonymous logon |
AU | Authenticated users |
BA | Built-in administrators |
BG | Built-in guests |
BO | Backup operators |
BU | Built-in users |
CA | Certificate server administrators |
CG | Creator group |
CO | Creator owner |
DA | Domain administrators |
DC | Domain computers |
DD | Domain controllers |
DG | Domain guests |
DU | Domain users |
EA | Enterprise administrators |
ED | Enterprise domain controllers |
WD | Everyone |
PA | Group Policy administrators |
IU | Interactively logged-on user |
LA | Local administrator |
LG | Local guest |
LS | Local service account |
SY | Local system |
NU | Network logon user |
NO | Network configuration operators |
NS | Network service account |
PO | Printer operators |
PS | Personal self |
PU | Power users |
RS | RAS servers group |
RD | Terminal server users |
RE | Replicator |
RC | Restricted code |
SA | Schema administrators |
SO | Server operators |
SU | Service logon user |