Microsoft Graph
(Redirigé depuis Graph)
Microsoft Graph remplace Office 365 API et Azure AD Graph API.
Il réunit au sein d'une unique API toutes les données relatives aux utilisateurs.
Web-hosted resource | Application ID URI |
The Office 365 Unified Mail API | |
The Azure AD Graph API | |
Microsoft Graph | |
![]() |
Base url L'erreur Access is denied. Check credentials and try again. signifie qu'il manque des permissions pour l'appel de la web API. |
Description | Url | Permissions |
Profil de l'utilisateur courant | /me | Pas de permission nécessaire, fonctionne même sans l'ajout de l'API Microsoft Graph dans les permissions. |
Liste des profils des utilisateurs | /users | Access directory as the signed in user |
Photo beta |
/users/<userId>/photo/$value | View users' basic profile Read all users' basic profiles |
Envoyer un email | POST /me/sendMail | Send mail as a user Nécessite Outlook on the web (Exchange Web Connect, Outlook Web Access OWA) Sinon erreur Resource could not be discovered |
Événements du calendrier | /me/events /users/<userId>/events |
Read user calendars |
Accès aux configuration InTune beta |
/me/managedDevices | Read Microsoft Intune apps (DeviceManagementApps.Read.All) |
Converged vs Azure AD applications
Graph ne fonctionne qu'avec des Converged apps et pas avec des AAD apps.
Les Converged apps sont a enregistrer sur
Filtres sur les requêtes
Exemples |
users?$filter=givenName eq 'Nicolas' and surname eq 'XXX') |
users?$filter=startswith(givenName,'Nicolas') |
me/events?$filter=start/dateTime ge '2009-06-15T13:45:30' |
users?$top=999 |
users?$select=givenName,surname |
me/events?$orderby=start/dateTime |
![]() |
Utiliser HttpUtility.UrlEncode pour encoder le contenu du filtre. |
URL | Description |
---|---| | Liste des channels |'xxx')/Videos(guid'xxx')/ThumbnailStream | Thumbnail |
Microsoft.Graph client library
- package Nuget Microsoft.Graph
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( "", new DelegateAuthenticationProvider( async (requestMessage) => { var token = TokenGraph; requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token); await Task.FromResult(""); })); // User Me var user = await graphClient.Me.Request().GetAsync(); string userId = user.Id; |
var start = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o"); var end = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7).ToString("o"); var optionStart = new QueryOption("startDateTime", start); var optionEnd = new QueryOption("endDateTime", end); IUserCalendarViewCollectionPage calendarView = await graphService.Me.CalendarView.Request(new[] { optionStart, optionEnd }).GetAsync(); var hasMorePages = true; var events = new List<Event>(); while (hasMorePages) { foreach (var ev in calendarView.CurrentPage.ToList()) events.Add(ev); hasMorePages = calendarView.NextPageRequest != null; if (hasMorePages) calendarView = await calendarView.NextPageRequest.GetAsync(); } foreach (var ev in events) {} |
WPF client
Avec un token Azure AD
MainWindows.xaml.cs |
private string _clientId = "xxx"; private static string _tenant = ""; private string _authority = $"{_tenant}"; private string _graphResourceUrl = ""; private string _resourceUrl = ""; private Uri _redirectUri = new Uri("https://wpfclient"); string[] scopes = new string[] { "" }; private HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient(); private string _token; private string _tokenGraph; private async void signin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(_authority); AuthenticationResult authResult = null; try { authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(_resourceUrl, _clientId, _redirectUri, new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto)); _token = authResult.AccessToken; AppendText("You signed in!"); } catch (AdalException aex) { AppendText(aex.ToString()); } } // get the token graph automatically if the azure AD is already in the cache private async void tokengraph_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(_authority); AuthenticationResult authResult = null; try { authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(_graphResourceUrl, _clientId); _tokenGraph = authResult.AccessToken; AppendText("You got the token for the graph!"); } catch (AdalException aex) { AppendText(aex.ToString()); } } // use the token graph to request the graph private async void profile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string url = ""; if (_tokenGraph != null) { HttpResponseMessage response; try { var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _tokenGraph); response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); AppendText(content); } catch (Exception ex) { AppendText(ex.ToString()); } } else { AppendText("You need to get the token graph first."); } } |
Avec Microsoft.Identity.Client
Packages Nuget:
- Microsoft.Identity.Client
MainWindows.xaml.cs |
// config // client ID de Converged applications. // ne fonctionne pas avec les client ID des AAD applications // AADSTS70001: Application is not supported for this API version. private string _clientId = "xxx"; private static string _tenant = ""; private string _authority = $"{_tenant}"; // Set the scope for API call to string[] scopes = new string[] { "" }; private PublicClientApplication _clientApp; Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult authResult = null; private HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient(); public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _clientApp = new PublicClientApplication(_clientId, _authority, TokenCacheHelper.GetUserCache()); } private async void signin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { authResult = await _clientApp.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(scopes, _clientApp.Users.FirstOrDefault()); AppendText("Signed-in using the cache."); } catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex) { try { authResult = await _clientApp.AcquireTokenAsync(scopes); AppendText("Signed-in successfully."); } catch (MsalException msalex) { AppendText($"Error Acquiring Token:\n{msalex}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppendText($"Error Acquiring Token Silently:\n{ex}"); return; } } private void signout_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { } private async void getProfile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Set the API Endpoint to Graph 'me' endpoint string graphAPIEndpoint = ""; if (authResult != null) { AppendText(await GetHttpContentWithToken(graphAPIEndpoint, authResult.AccessToken)); } else { AppendText("You need to sign-in first."); } } /// <summary> /// Perform an HTTP GET request to a URL using an HTTP Authorization header /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The URL</param> /// <param name="token">The token</param> /// <returns>String containing the results of the GET operation</returns> public async Task<string> GetHttpContentWithToken(string url, string token) { HttpResponseMessage response; try { var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url); // Add the token in Authorization header request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token); response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return content; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.ToString(); } } |
TokenCacheHelper.cs |
static class TokenCacheHelper { public static TokenCache GetUserCache() { if (usertokenCache == null) { usertokenCache = new TokenCache(); usertokenCache.SetBeforeAccess(BeforeAccessNotification); usertokenCache.SetAfterAccess(AfterAccessNotification); } return usertokenCache; } static TokenCache usertokenCache; public static string CacheFilePath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + "msalcache.txt"; private static readonly object FileLock = new object(); public static void BeforeAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args) { lock (FileLock) { args.TokenCache.Deserialize(File.Exists(CacheFilePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(CacheFilePath) : null); } } public static void AfterAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args) { // if the access operation resulted in a cache update if (args.TokenCache.HasStateChanged) { lock (FileLock) { // reflect changes in the persistent store File.WriteAllBytes(CacheFilePath, args.TokenCache.Serialize()); // once the write operation takes place restore the HasStateChanged bit to false args.TokenCache.HasStateChanged = false; } } } } |
Application is not supported for this API version.
- Inscrire l'application comme converged app sur
- Configurer l'app (redirect url)
- Utiliser le client id de la converged app