« Swagger » : différence entre les versions

De Banane Atomic
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Aucun résumé des modifications
Ligne 4 : Ligne 4 :
* [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-nswag?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=visual-studio-code%2Cvisual-studio-xml Get started with NSwag and ASP.NET Core]
* [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-nswag?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=visual-studio-code%2Cvisual-studio-xml Get started with NSwag and ASP.NET Core]

= Ajout de NSwag à un projet .Net Core =
= [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-nswag?view=aspnetcore-5.0&tabs=netcore-cli NSwag] =
== Installation ==
<kode lang='powershell'>
<kode lang='powershell'>
# pour vscode
# pour vscode
dotnet add MyProject.csproj package NSwag.AspNetCore
dotnet add package NSwag.AspNetCore
# Ajoute au fichier MyProject.csproj:
# Add to the project file *.csproj:
#  <ItemGroup>  
#  <ItemGroup>  
#    <PackageReference Include="NSwag.AspNetCore" Version="11.17.15" />  
#    <PackageReference Include="NSwag.AspNetCore" Version="11.17.15" />  
{{info | Url : {{boxx|<nowiki>http://localhost:<port>/swagger</nowiki>}}}}
= [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-nswag?tabs=netcore-cli#add-and-configure-swagger-middleware Configuration] =
== [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-nswag?tabs=netcore-cli#add-and-configure-swagger-middleware Configuration] ==
== Configuration Web API ==
=== Configuration Web API ===
<filebox fn='Startup.cs'>
<filebox fn='Startup.cs'>
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Ligne 28 : Ligne 27 :

== Configuration MVC ==
=== Configuration MVC ===
<filebox fn='Startup.cs' collapsed>
<filebox fn='Startup.cs' collapsed>
using NJsonSchema;
using NJsonSchema;
Ligne 63 : Ligne 62 :

= Problème avec IActionResult =
== Problème avec IActionResult ==
{{boxx|NSwag}} utilise la réflexion pour obtenir le type de retour. Avec {{boxx|IActionResult}} il ne peut pas.
{{boxx|NSwag}} utilise la réflexion pour obtenir le type de retour. Avec {{boxx|IActionResult}} il ne peut pas.
<kode lang='csharp'>
<kode lang='csharp'>
Ligne 73 : Ligne 72 :
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(IReadOnlyList<ItemDto>), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(IReadOnlyList<ItemDto>), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
public IActionResult Get()
public IActionResult Get()
= [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-swashbuckle?view=aspnetcore-5.0&tabs=visual-studio-code Swashbuckle] =
== Installation ==
<kode lang='bash'>
dotnet add package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

Version du 19 juin 2021 à 22:14




# pour vscode
dotnet add package NSwag.AspNetCore
# Add to the project file *.csproj:
#  <ItemGroup> 
#    <PackageReference Include="NSwag.AspNetCore" Version="11.17.15" />


Configuration Web API

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

Configuration MVC

using NJsonSchema;
using NSwag.AspNetCore;
using System.Reflection;

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

    // à ajouter avant app.UseSpa
    app.UseSwaggerUi(typeof(Startup).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, settings =>
        settings.GeneratorSettings.DefaultPropertyNameHandling = PropertyNameHandling.CamelCase;
        settings.PostProcess = document =>
            //document.Info.Version = "v1";
            document.Info.Title = "Test API";
            document.Info.Description = "A simple ASP.NET Core web API";
            //document.Info.TermsOfService = "None";
            document.Info.Contact = new NSwag.SwaggerContact
                Name = "Nicolas",
                //Email = string.Empty,
                //Url = "https://twitter.com/spboyer"
            /*document.Info.License = new NSwag.SwaggerLicense
                Name = "Use under LICX",
                Url = "https://example.com/license"

Problème avec IActionResult

NSwag utilise la réflexion pour obtenir le type de retour. Avec IActionResult il ne peut pas.

// utiliser SwaggerResponse
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, typeof(IReadOnlyList<ItemDto>))]
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, typeof(void))]
// ou ProducesResponseType
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(IReadOnlyList<ItemDto>), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
public IActionResult Get()



dotnet add package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore


  • http://localhost:<port>/swagger
  • http://localhost:<port>/swagger/v1/swagger.json

Ouvrir le navigateur sur swagger

Dans un projet Web API avec Visual Studio Code, ouvrir le navigateur sur la page swagger.

    "configurations": [
            "serverReadyAction": {
                "action": "openExternally",
                "pattern": "^\\s*Now listening on:\\s+(https?://\\S+)",
                "uriFormat": "%s/swagger"
            // autre solution
            "launchBrowser": {
                "enabled": true,
                "args": "${auto-detect-url}",
                "windows": {
                    "command": "cmd.exe",
                    "args": "/C start ${auto-detect-url}/swagger/index.html?url=/swagger/v1/swagger.json#!/Items"

Paramètres optionnels

Swagger ne gère pas les paramètres optionnels s'ils font partie du chemin, il les considère comme des paramètres required.