
De Banane Atomic
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Command line

dotnet fsi  # start F# Interactive
dotnet fsi script.fsx  # run script.fsx

dotnet new console -o fsharp1 -lang f#

Dev env

  • VScode
    • Ionide for F# extension

Create launch and tasks

  1. Disable the Ionide for F# extension
  2. Run → Run Without Debugging
  3. Select environment: .NET 5+ and .NET Core (this create the launch.json file)
  4. Open launch.json → Add Configuration → .NET: Launch .NET Core Console App
  5. Fill target-framework = net6.0 and project-name = myproject
  6. Run → Run Without Debugging
  7. Configure Task → Create tasks.json file from template → Select a Task Template: .NET Core