« MariaDB » : différence entre les versions
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# | [[Category:SQL]] | ||
[[Category:Linux]] | |||
= Serveur = | |||
<kode lang="bash"> | |||
# Démarrer le serveur MySQL | |||
sudo systemctl start mysqld.service | |||
# Démarrer le serveur MySQL au démarrage du système | |||
sudo systemctl enable mysqld.service | |||
# Redémarrer le serveur MySQL | |||
sudo systemctl restart mysqld.service | |||
# Connexion au serveur en unix_socket authentication avec l'utilisateur root | |||
sudo mysql | |||
# Connexion au serveur avec l'utilisateur root (-u) et demande du mot de passe (-p) | |||
mysql -u root -p | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysqldump/ Export] == | |||
<kode lang='bash'> | |||
mysqldump -u utilisateur -p'mot_de_passe' -rfichier.sql bdd1 bdd2 | |||
# -h hôte | |||
# --all-databases toutes les bases de données (même les bases système) | |||
# > fichier.sql au lieu de -rfichier.sql | |||
# store the password into this variable, so you don't have to pass it to the command line | |||
export MYSQL_PWD=mypwd | |||
</kode> | |||
{{warn | Si le mot de passe contient un des caractères suivant {{boxx|* ? [ < > & ; ! <nowiki>|</nowiki> $ ( )}} il faut l'encadrer de quotes.}} | |||
<filebox fn='~/.my.cnf' lang='ini'> | |||
# set username and password here, so you don't have to pass them to the command line | |||
[mysqldump] | |||
user=myuser | |||
password=mypwd | |||
</filebox> | |||
== Import == | |||
<kode lang="bash"> | |||
mysql -u utilisateur -pmot_de_passe -D base_de_données --verbose < fichier.sql > fichier.log | |||
# -D définit la bdd dans laquelle sera exécuté le fichier sql | |||
# --one-database définit l'unique bdd à importer depuis un fichier sql qui contient le backup de plusieurs bdd | |||
sudo mysql << EOF | |||
use 'MyDb'; | |||
truncate MyTable; | |||
source MyFile.sql; | |||
EOF | |||
</kode> | |||
<kode lang=mysql> | |||
# déjà connecté | |||
use 'base-de-données'; | |||
source fichier.sql; | |||
</kode> | |||
== Executer une commande == | |||
<kode lang="bash"> | |||
mysql -h [ip] -D [database name] -u [user] -p[password] -e "commande mysql" -vvv | |||
# -vvv pour afficher la sortie mysql dans le terminal | |||
mysql -u [user] -p[password] << EOF | |||
commandes mysql | |||
EOF | |||
# il faut mettre le mot de passe entre simple quote s'il contient les caractères suivants : * ? [ < > & ; ! | $ ( ) | |||
mysql -u [user] -p'[password]' | |||
</kode> | |||
== [http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-batch-commands.html Executer un fichier] == | |||
<kode lang="bash"> | |||
cd /ou/se/trouve/mon/fichier | |||
mysql -u utilisateur -pmot_de_passe -D base_de_données < mon_fichier.sql | |||
</kode> | |||
<kode lang=mysql> | |||
# si on est déjà connecté au serveur MySql | |||
use 'base-de-données'; | |||
source mon_fichier.sql | |||
</kode> | |||
= Create database and tables = | |||
== Database == | |||
<kode lang="mysql"> | |||
# 3 styles de commentaires sont possibles | |||
-- celui-ci requiert un espace après le double tiret | |||
/* et celui-ci peut s'intercaller dans une ligne */ | |||
# liste les bases de données du serveur | |||
show databases; | |||
# créé ma_base_de_donnees | |||
create database ma_base_de_donnees; | |||
# créé ma_base_de_donnees si elle n'existe pas déjà | |||
create database if not exists ma_base_de_donnees; | |||
# supprime ma_base_de_donnees | |||
drop database ma_base_de_donnees; | |||
# evite l'erreur database ma_base_de_donnees doesn't exist | |||
drop database if exists ma_base_de_donnees; | |||
# choix d'une base de données | |||
use ma_base_de_donnees; | |||
</kode> | |||
{{info | [[PhpMyAdmin#Renommer_une_base_de_donn.C3.A9e|Renommer]] ou [[PhpMyAdmin#Copier_une_base_de_donn.C3.A9e|copier]] une base de données avec PhpMyAdmin}} | |||
=== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-database.html Encoding] === | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
-- migrer la db vers un encoding utf8 | |||
ALTER DATABASE databasename CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; | |||
-- afficher l'encoding et la collation d'une bdd | |||
SELECT default_character_set_name, default_collation_name | |||
FROM information_schema.schemata | |||
WHERE schema_name = "db_name"; | |||
</kode> | |||
=== [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1733507/how-to-get-size-of-mysql-database Size] === | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
SELECT table_schema AS "Database", SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS "Size (GB)" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema; | |||
</kode> | |||
== Tables == | |||
<kode lang="mysql"> | |||
# liste les tables de la bases de données sélectionnée | |||
show tables; | |||
# liste les tables de la bases de données MaBdD | |||
show tables from MaBdD; | |||
# list the columns of the specified table | |||
show columns from MyTable; | |||
</kode> | |||
=== Create === | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
create table if not exists user ( | |||
id tinyint unsigned auto_increment primary key, -- PK | |||
name varchar(10) not null unique, | |||
groupId tinyint unsigned not null references group (Id), --FK | |||
computedColumn int as (GroupId * 5) persistant, | |||
index ux_user_name (name), -- UX | |||
constraint fk_user_group_groupId -- another way to create a named FK: FK_<current table>_<foreign table>_<column> | |||
foreign key (groupId) -- column of the current table | |||
references group (id)), -- foreign table and its column | |||
constraint uc_user_name UNIQUE (name), -- another way to create a name UC | |||
primary key (Id); -- another way to create a PK | |||
</kode> | |||
{{info | Columns with a {{boxx|primary key}} constraint are implicitly {{boxx|not null}} and have an index.}} | |||
* [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-index.html index] | |||
* [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/create-table-foreign-keys.html foreign key] | |||
* [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-generated-columns.html generated column] | |||
* [http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/storage-engines.html Storage engines] | |||
=== Drop === | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
drop table my_table; | |||
# liste toutes les tables commençant par xxx_ dans la bases de données MaBdD | |||
select table_name from information_schema.tables | |||
where table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name like 'xxx_%'; | |||
# même requête mais sort le résultat sur une seule ligne avec , comme séparateur | |||
select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables | |||
where table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name like 'xxx_%'; | |||
# affiche en sortie la commande qui permet de drop toutes les tables commençant par xxx_ dans la bases de données MaBdD | |||
select concat('drop table ', group_concat(table_name), ';') | |||
from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name like 'xxx_%'; | |||
# drop toutes les tables commençant par xxx_ dans la bases de données MaBdD | |||
SET @TABLES = (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name LIKE 'xxx_%'); | |||
PREPARE drop_statement FROM 'DROP TABLE @tables'; | |||
EXECUTE drop_statement USING @TABLES; | |||
DEALLOCATE PREPARE drop_statement; | |||
</kode> | |||
=== Alter === | |||
<kode lang=mysql> | |||
# ajoute « nouvelle_colonne » de type « VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL » à « ma_table » | |||
alter table `ma_table` | |||
add `nouvelle_colonne` varchar(32) not null after `autre_colonne`; | |||
# modify my_column to be datetime not null | |||
alter table `my_table` | |||
modify `my_column` datetime not null; | |||
# supprimer « ma_colonne » dans « ma_table » | |||
ALTER TABLE `ma_table` DROP `ma_colonne` | |||
</kode> | |||
= Comptes utilisateur = | |||
<kode lang="mysql"> | |||
# Syntaxe : 'user_name'@'host_name' | |||
# 'user_name' seul est équivalent à 'user_name'@'%' | |||
# % est un joker qui signifie n'importe quel hôte | |||
# créé mon_compte | |||
create user 'mon_compte'@'localhost' identified by 'mon_mot_de_passe'; | |||
# créé un compte qui s'authentifie automatiquement sans mdp si le nom d'utilisateur est le même | |||
create user 'mon_compte'@'localhost' identified with 'unix_socket'; | |||
# Supprime mon_compte | |||
drop user 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; | |||
# lister les utilisateurs | |||
select host, user, password, plugin from mysql.user; | |||
# grant read / write privileges on MyDb to MyUser | |||
grant select,insert,update on MyDb.* to 'MyUser'@'localhost'; | |||
# accorde tous les droits à mon_compte sur la base ma_base_de_donnees | |||
grant all on ma_base_de_donnees.* to 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; | |||
# accorde tous les droits à mon_compte sur toutes les bdd | |||
grant all on *.* to 'mon_compte'@'localhost' with grant option; | |||
# with grant option: gives the user the ability to give to other users any privileges the user has at the specified privilege level. | |||
# supprime tous les droits d'un utilisateur sur une base | |||
revoke all privileges on ma_base_de_donnees.* from 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; | |||
# liste les droits de mon_compte | |||
show grants FOR 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; | |||
# changer un mot de passe | |||
set password for 'mon_compte'@'localhost' = password('...'); | |||
# ERROR 1133 (28000): Can't find any matching row in the user table | |||
flush privileges; | |||
</kode> | |||
{{warn | Échapper les \ avec un deuxième \ dans les mots de passe.}} | |||
* [https://mariadb.com/kb/en/grant/#table-privileges Table Privileges] | |||
== [https://linuxhint.com/change-mysql-root-password-ubuntu Reset password without access] == | |||
<kode lang='bash'> | |||
sc-stop mysql | |||
# set options to run without granting the tables and networking check | |||
sudo systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-networking --skip-grant-tables" | |||
sc-start mysql | |||
# connect without password | |||
sudo mysql -u root | |||
mysql | |||
</kode> | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
flush privileges; | |||
# reset password | |||
set password for 'mon_compte'@'localhost' = password('...'); | |||
flush privileges; | |||
exit; | |||
</kode> | |||
<kode lang='bash'> | |||
# unset options | |||
sudo systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS | |||
# remove the modified system configuration | |||
sudo systemctl revert mysql | |||
sudo killall -u mysql | |||
sudo systemctl restart mysql.service | |||
# login | |||
mysql -u mon_compte -p | |||
</kode> | |||
{{warn | Account with empty username may mask the user you use to login.<br> | |||
You should drop all the account with empty user names.}} | |||
= [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/data-types.html Types de données] = | |||
{| class="wikitable wtp" | |||
! Type | |||
! Bytes | |||
! Minimum Value | |||
! Maximum Value | |||
|- | |||
| TINYINT || 1 || -128 || 127 | |||
|- | |||
| SMALLINT || 2 || -32'768 || 32'767 | |||
|- | |||
| MEDIUMINT || 3 || -8'388'608 || 8'388'607 | |||
|- | |||
| INT || 4 || -2'147'483'648 || 2'147'483'647 | |||
|- | |||
| BIGINT || 8 || -9'223'372'036'854'775'808 || 9'223'372'036'854'775'807 | |||
|} | |||
{| class="wikitable wtp" | |||
! Data Type | |||
! “Zero” Value | |||
! Range | |||
|- | |||
| DATE || '0000-00-00' || '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31' | |||
|- | |||
| TIME || '00:00:00' | |||
|- | |||
| DATETIME || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59' | |||
|- | |||
| TIMESTAMP || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC | |||
|- | |||
| YEAR || 0000 | |||
|} | |||
== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html Date and Time Functions] == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
set @today = NOW(); | |||
set @first_day = DATE_FORMAT(@today, '%Y-%m-01'); | |||
set @last_day = LAST_DAY(@today); | |||
set @previous_month = @today - INTERVAL 1 MONTH; | |||
set @diff_in_days = DATEDIFF(@date1, @date2); -- compare only date part | |||
set @diff_in_days = TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, @date2, @date1); -- compare the whole datetime | |||
set @formatted_date = DATE_FORMAT(@date1, '%e %b %Y %H:%i'); -- 1 Jan 2021 23:59 | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://mariadb.com/kb/en/enum Enum] == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
create table if not exists table1 ( | |||
type Enum('buy', 'sell') not null -- 0='', 1=buy, 2=sell | |||
); | |||
select * | |||
from table1 | |||
where type = 2; -- sell | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://www.designcise.com/web/tutorial/whats-the-best-way-to-store-an-ip-address-in-mysql#using-my-sqls-inet6_-aton-function Ip address] == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
create table iptable ( | |||
ip binary(4) not null | |||
); | |||
insert into iptable (ip) | |||
values (inet6_aton('')); | |||
select inet6_ntoa(ip) | |||
FROM iptable; | |||
</kode> | |||
= Charset et Collation = | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
-- afficher le charset et la collation d'une bdd | |||
USE MyDb; | |||
SELECT @@character_set_database, @@collation_database; | |||
-- afficher le charset et la collation de toutes les tables d'une bdd | |||
-- afficher la collation de toutes les colonnes d'une table | |||
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM <table_name>; | |||
-- changer le charset et la collation d'une bdd | |||
ALTER DATABASE <db_name> CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; | |||
-- changer le charset et la collation d'une table | |||
ALTER TABLE <table_name> CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; | |||
-- changer le charset et la collation d'une colonne | |||
ALTER TABLE <table_name> MODIFY <column_name> VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; | |||
</kode> | |||
= Ajouter / modifier des données = | |||
== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/insert.html Insert] == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
insert into my_table (column1, column2) | |||
values ('value1-1', 'value1-2'), | |||
('value2-1', 'value2-2'); | |||
insert into table1 (column1, column2) | |||
select | |||
column3, | |||
( | |||
select id | |||
from table3 | |||
where name = 'xxx' | |||
) as table3_id | |||
from table2; | |||
-- set the last inserted id in the @id variable | |||
SET @id = LAST_INSERT_ID(); | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/update.html Update] == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
update my_table | |||
set column1 = 10, | |||
column2 = column2 + 1 | |||
where column3 = 0; | |||
update my_table as dest, | |||
(select Column1, Column2 | |||
from AnotherTable) as src | |||
set dest.Column1 = src.Column1 | |||
where dest.Column2 = src.Column2 | |||
</kode> | |||
== Delete == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
delete from my_table | |||
where column1 = 'value1'; | |||
truncate table my_table; | |||
-- table keyword is optional | |||
</kode> | |||
= [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/trigger-syntax.html Trigger] = | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
-- when rows are inserted in MyTable, update AnotherTable | |||
UPDATE AnotherTable | |||
SET Column1 = NEW.Column1 | |||
WHERE Column2 = NEW.Column2; | |||
-- NEW target the inserted row | |||
drop trigger MyTrigger; | |||
show triggers | |||
like 'MyTable'; -- table names (not trigger names) to match | |||
</kode> | |||
= Requêtes sur les données = | |||
== Limiter le nombre de résultats == | |||
<kode lang=mysql> | |||
-- retourne les 10 premières lignes | |||
select colonne from ma_table | |||
limit 10 | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/join.html join] == | |||
* [https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33052/Visual-Representation-of-SQL-Joins Visual Representation of SQL Joins] | |||
[[File:visual_sql_joins.jpg|400px]] | |||
== Multi select == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
select | |||
'Value1', | |||
( | |||
select count(*) from table1 | |||
) as count_table1; | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/group-by-modifiers.html With rollup] == | |||
== [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/window-functions-usage.html Over / Window function] == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
SELECT year, country, product, profit, | |||
SUM(profit) OVER() AS total_profit, -- sum of all profits for all the countries | |||
SUM(profit) OVER(PARTITION BY country) AS country_profit -- sum of profits by country | |||
FROM sales | |||
ORDER BY country, year, product, profit; | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/942571/using-column-alias-in-where-clause-of-mysql-query-produces-an-error Where and alias] == | |||
{{info | Standard SQL doesn't allow you to refer to a column alias in a WHERE clause.<br> | |||
This restriction is imposed because when the WHERE code is executed, the column value may not yet be determined. ([https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/problems-with-alias.html doc])}} | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
select Column1 as c1 | |||
from MyTable | |||
where c1 > 10 | |||
-- Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'c1' in 'where clause' | |||
-- use having instead of where | |||
select Column1 as c1 | |||
from MyTable | |||
having c1 > 10 | |||
</kode> | |||
{{info | WHERE is applied before GROUP BY, HAVING is applied after.}} | |||
= [https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-temporary-table Temp table] = | |||
Temporary tables are session specific, they are dropped automatically when the connection is closed. | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
column1 VARCHAR(255), | |||
column2 INT | |||
); | |||
SELECT * FROM table2 | |||
LIMIT 0; | |||
INSERT INTO temp1 | |||
SELECT 'Value1', 1; | |||
</kode> | |||
= Configuration = | |||
<kode lang=bash> | |||
# exécutez le script de configuration | |||
sudo mysql_secure_installation | |||
</kode> | |||
Pour une utilisation avec php, activez l'un des trois modules: | |||
<filebox fn=/etc/php/php.ini lang=ini> | |||
extension=mysqli.so | |||
;extension=pdo_mysql.so | |||
;extension=mysql.so | |||
</filebox> | |||
{{info | | |||
* mysql : driver de base pour BdD MySQL | |||
* mysqli : nouvelles fonctionnalités par rapport à mysql : OO-API + Support new features of MySQL >= 4.1 | |||
* pdo_mysql : même nouvelles fonctionnalités que mysqli + PDO : même API quelque soit le type de BdD utilisé}} | |||
<filebox fn=/etc/mysql/my.cnf lang=bash> | |||
[client] | |||
# Définit le port par défaut | |||
port = 3306 | |||
# autorise seulement les connexions depuis la machine hôte | |||
skip-networking | |||
[mysqld] | |||
skip-external-locking | |||
max_connections = 200 | |||
read_buffer_size = 1M | |||
sort_buffer_size = 1M | |||
# Set key_buffer to 5 - 50% of your RAM depending on how much you use MyISAM tables, | |||
# but keep key_buffer_size + InnoDB buffer pool size < 80% of your RAM | |||
key_buffer_size = 512M | |||
</filebox> | |||
== [http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-init-startup-configuration.html InnoDB] == | |||
<filebox fn=/etc/mysql/my.cnf lang=bash> | |||
innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql | |||
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend:max:500M | |||
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql | |||
# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 % of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high | |||
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G | |||
# innodb_additional_mem_pool_size was deprecated in MySQL 5.6.3 and removed in MySQL 5.7.4. | |||
#innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 2M | |||
# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size | |||
innodb_log_file_size = 250M | |||
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M | |||
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1 | |||
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50 | |||
</filebox> | |||
=== [https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/27328/how-large-should-be-mysql-innodb-buffer-pool-size innodb_buffer_pool_size] === | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
-- give how many actual GB of memory is in use by InnoDB Data in the InnoDB Buffer Pool at this moment | |||
-- run it after 1 week or 2 of usage | |||
SELECT (PagesData*PageSize)/POWER(1024,3) DataGB FROM | |||
(SELECT variable_value PagesData | |||
FROM information_schema.global_status | |||
WHERE variable_name='Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data') A, | |||
(SELECT variable_value PageSize | |||
FROM information_schema.global_status | |||
WHERE variable_name='Innodb_page_size') B; | |||
</kode> | |||
== Variables == | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
show global status; | |||
show variables; | |||
</kode> | |||
= [https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/replication-gtids-howto.html Replication basée sur les global transaction identifiers (GTIDs)] = | |||
Replication de données de la bdd master vers une bdd slave en asynchrone. | |||
= Log = | |||
<kode lang=bash> | |||
# afficher les messages de log mysql depuis le boot | |||
journalctl -b | grep mysqld | |||
# afficher les messages en temps réel | |||
journalctl -f | |||
# et redémarrer mysqld | |||
sudo systemctl restart mysqld | |||
</kode> | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
-- supprime tous les logs sauf ces des 3 derniers jours | |||
</kode> | |||
== [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MySQL#MySQL_binary_logs_are_taking_up_huge_disk_space Gérer la taille des logs] == | |||
<filebox fn=/etc/mysql/my.cnf lang=bash> | |||
# limite la taille des fichiers /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin.xxxxxx | |||
expire_logs_days = 10 # default 0 | |||
max_binlog_size = 100M # default 1G | |||
# fichiers /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0 et /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1 | |||
innodb_log_file_size = 64M | |||
# innodb_log_file_size ≈ 25 % of buffer pool size | |||
# innodb_buffer_pool_size ≈ 50 - 80 % of RAM | |||
# désactive le binary logging en commentant les lignes suivantes | |||
# attention plus de replication ni de data recovery possible | |||
#log-bin=mysql-bin | |||
#binlog_format=mixed | |||
</filebox> | |||
* [https://mariadb.com/kb/en/replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#max_binlog_size max_binlog_size] | |||
* [https://mariadb.com/kb/en/replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#expire_logs_days expire_logs_days] | |||
= Audit = | |||
Permet de loguer toutes les requêtes. | |||
<kode lang='mysql'> | |||
-- afficher les variables de log | |||
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "general_log%"; | |||
-- définir le fichier de log l'audit | |||
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.log'; | |||
-- démarrer l'audit | |||
SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; | |||
-- arrêter l'audit | |||
SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF'; | |||
</kode> | |||
= [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MariaDB#Installation Install] = | |||
<kode lang=bash> | |||
sudo pacman -S mariadb | |||
# You need to initialize the MariaDB data directory prior to starting the service. | |||
sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql | |||
# démarrer mysql pour test | |||
sc-start mysqld | |||
# change le mot de passe root, autorise ou non l'accès distant avec le compte root, | |||
# supprime ou pas la base de données de test et l'utilisateur anonyme créé par défaut. | |||
# Recommandé pour un serveur de production. | |||
sudo mysql_secure_installation | |||
</kode> | |||
= [http://www.laurencegellert.com/2011/07/mysql-maintenance-tasks-for-innodb-with-mysql-5-1/ Maintenance] = | |||
<kode lang=bash> | |||
# vérifie toutes les table d'une base de données InnoDB | |||
mysqlcheck -u root -p --check --databases [nom de la base de données] | |||
</kode> | |||
= Erreurs = | |||
== Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes == | |||
Les indexes InnoDB ont une taille maximale de 767 octets. | |||
{| class="wikitable wtp" | |||
! Encoding | |||
! Nombre d'octets par caractère | |||
! Exemple | |||
|- | |||
| latin1 || 1 || varchar(255) → 255 octets | |||
|- | |||
| utf8 || 3 || varchar(255) → 765 octets | |||
|- | |||
| utf8mb4 || 4 || varchar(191) → 764 octets | |||
|} | |||
== Error: 145 Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired == | |||
<kode lang=mysql> | |||
# vérifie Ma_Table | |||
check table Ma_Table; | |||
# répare Ma_Table | |||
repair table Ma_Table; | |||
</kode> | |||
[http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/repair-table.html REPAIR TABLE] | |||
<kode lang=bash> | |||
# check toutes les tables d'une base de données | |||
mysqlcheck MaBaseDeDonnées -u Utilisateur -pMotDePasse | |||
</kode> | |||
[http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysqlcheck.html mysqlcheck] | |||
== 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly == | |||
<kode lang=bash> | |||
# vérifie toute les tables de Ma_Base_de_Donnée et liste celles qui posent problème | |||
myisamchk --silent --fast /var/lib/mysql/Ma_Base_de_Donnée/*.MYI | |||
# --silent → Only print errors. | |||
# --fast → Check only tables that haven’t been closed properly. | |||
# check all MyISAM tables and repair any that are corrupted | |||
myisamchk --silent --force --fast --update-state \ | |||
--key_buffer_size=64M --sort_buffer_size=64M --read_buffer_size=1M --write_buffer_size=1M /var/lib/mysql/Ma_Base_de_Donnée/*.MYI | |||
</kode> | |||
{{info | La commande <tt>myisamchk</tt> doit être lancée avec l'utilisateur <tt>root</tt> afin d'avoir accès au contenu du dossier <tt>/var/lib/mysql</tt>}} | |||
[http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/myisamchk.html myisamchk] | |||
= MySQL Workbench = | |||
[http://www.mysql.fr/products/workbench MySQL Workbench] : design de BdD | |||
{| class="wikitable wtp" | |||
| PK || Primary Key | |||
|- | |||
| NN || Not Null | |||
|- | |||
| BIN || Binary (stores data as binary strings. There is no character set so sorting and comparison is based on the numeric values of the bytes in the values.) | |||
|- | |||
| UN || Unsigned (non-negative numbers only. so if the range is -500 to 500, instead its 0 - 1000, the range is the same but it starts at 0) | |||
|- | |||
| UQ || Create/remove Unique Key | |||
|- | |||
| ZF || Zero-Filled (if the length is 5 like INT(5) then every field is filled with 0’s to the 5th value. 12 = 00012, 400 = 00400, etc. ) | |||
|- | |||
| AI || Auto Increment | |||
|- | |||
| G || Generated column. i.e. value generated by a formula based on the other columns | |||
|} | |||
= [http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/converting-tables-to-innodb.html Convertir une table de MyISAM à InnoDB] = | |||
<kode lang=mysql> | |||
alter table ma_table engine=InnoDB; | |||
-- génération du script pour migrer toutes les tables d'une base de données | |||
SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements | |||
FROM information_schema.tables AS tb | |||
WHERE table_schema = 'ma_database' | |||
AND `ENGINE` = 'MyISAM' | |||
ORDER BY table_name; | |||
</kode> |
Version du 9 août 2023 à 17:38
# Démarrer le serveur MySQL sudo systemctl start mysqld.service # Démarrer le serveur MySQL au démarrage du système sudo systemctl enable mysqld.service # Redémarrer le serveur MySQL sudo systemctl restart mysqld.service # Connexion au serveur en unix_socket authentication avec l'utilisateur root sudo mysql # Connexion au serveur avec l'utilisateur root (-u) et demande du mot de passe (-p) mysql -u root -p |
mysqldump -u utilisateur -p'mot_de_passe' -rfichier.sql bdd1 bdd2 # -h hôte # --all-databases toutes les bases de données (même les bases système) # > fichier.sql au lieu de -rfichier.sql # store the password into this variable, so you don't have to pass it to the command line export MYSQL_PWD=mypwd |
Si le mot de passe contient un des caractères suivant * ? [ < > & ; ! | $ ( ) il faut l'encadrer de quotes. |
~/.my.cnf |
# set username and password here, so you don't have to pass them to the command line [mysqldump] user=myuser password=mypwd |
mysql -u utilisateur -pmot_de_passe -D base_de_données --verbose < fichier.sql > fichier.log # -D définit la bdd dans laquelle sera exécuté le fichier sql # --one-database définit l'unique bdd à importer depuis un fichier sql qui contient le backup de plusieurs bdd sudo mysql << EOF use 'MyDb'; truncate MyTable; source MyFile.sql; EOF |
# déjà connecté use 'base-de-données'; source fichier.sql; |
Executer une commande
mysql -h [ip] -D [database name] -u [user] -p[password] -e "commande mysql" -vvv # -vvv pour afficher la sortie mysql dans le terminal mysql -u [user] -p[password] << EOF commandes mysql EOF # il faut mettre le mot de passe entre simple quote s'il contient les caractères suivants : * ? [ < > & ; ! | $ ( ) mysql -u [user] -p'[password]' |
Executer un fichier
cd /ou/se/trouve/mon/fichier mysql -u utilisateur -pmot_de_passe -D base_de_données < mon_fichier.sql |
# si on est déjà connecté au serveur MySql use 'base-de-données'; source mon_fichier.sql |
Create database and tables
# 3 styles de commentaires sont possibles -- celui-ci requiert un espace après le double tiret /* et celui-ci peut s'intercaller dans une ligne */ # liste les bases de données du serveur show databases; # créé ma_base_de_donnees create database ma_base_de_donnees; # créé ma_base_de_donnees si elle n'existe pas déjà create database if not exists ma_base_de_donnees; # supprime ma_base_de_donnees drop database ma_base_de_donnees; # evite l'erreur database ma_base_de_donnees doesn't exist drop database if exists ma_base_de_donnees; # choix d'une base de données use ma_base_de_donnees; |
Renommer ou copier une base de données avec PhpMyAdmin |
-- migrer la db vers un encoding utf8 ALTER DATABASE databasename CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; -- afficher l'encoding et la collation d'une bdd SELECT default_character_set_name, default_collation_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = "db_name"; |
SELECT table_schema AS "Database", SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS "Size (GB)" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema; |
# liste les tables de la bases de données sélectionnée show tables; # liste les tables de la bases de données MaBdD show tables from MaBdD; # list the columns of the specified table show columns from MyTable; |
create table if not exists user ( id tinyint unsigned auto_increment primary key, -- PK name varchar(10) not null unique, groupId tinyint unsigned not null references group (Id), --FK computedColumn int as (GroupId * 5) persistant, index ux_user_name (name), -- UX constraint fk_user_group_groupId -- another way to create a named FK: FK_<current table>_<foreign table>_<column> foreign key (groupId) -- column of the current table references group (id)), -- foreign table and its column constraint uc_user_name UNIQUE (name), -- another way to create a name UC primary key (Id); -- another way to create a PK |
Columns with a primary key constraint are implicitly not null and have an index. |
drop table my_table; # liste toutes les tables commençant par xxx_ dans la bases de données MaBdD select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name like 'xxx_%'; # même requête mais sort le résultat sur une seule ligne avec , comme séparateur select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name like 'xxx_%'; # affiche en sortie la commande qui permet de drop toutes les tables commençant par xxx_ dans la bases de données MaBdD select concat('drop table ', group_concat(table_name), ';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name like 'xxx_%'; # drop toutes les tables commençant par xxx_ dans la bases de données MaBdD SET @TABLES = (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'MaBdD' and table_name LIKE 'xxx_%'); PREPARE drop_statement FROM 'DROP TABLE @tables'; EXECUTE drop_statement USING @TABLES; DEALLOCATE PREPARE drop_statement; |
# ajoute « nouvelle_colonne » de type « VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL » à « ma_table » alter table `ma_table` add `nouvelle_colonne` varchar(32) not null after `autre_colonne`; # modify my_column to be datetime not null alter table `my_table` modify `my_column` datetime not null; # supprimer « ma_colonne » dans « ma_table » ALTER TABLE `ma_table` DROP `ma_colonne` |
Comptes utilisateur
# Syntaxe : 'user_name'@'host_name' # 'user_name' seul est équivalent à 'user_name'@'%' # % est un joker qui signifie n'importe quel hôte # créé mon_compte create user 'mon_compte'@'localhost' identified by 'mon_mot_de_passe'; # créé un compte qui s'authentifie automatiquement sans mdp si le nom d'utilisateur est le même create user 'mon_compte'@'localhost' identified with 'unix_socket'; # Supprime mon_compte drop user 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; # lister les utilisateurs select host, user, password, plugin from mysql.user; # grant read / write privileges on MyDb to MyUser grant select,insert,update on MyDb.* to 'MyUser'@'localhost'; # accorde tous les droits à mon_compte sur la base ma_base_de_donnees grant all on ma_base_de_donnees.* to 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; # accorde tous les droits à mon_compte sur toutes les bdd grant all on *.* to 'mon_compte'@'localhost' with grant option; # with grant option: gives the user the ability to give to other users any privileges the user has at the specified privilege level. # supprime tous les droits d'un utilisateur sur une base revoke all privileges on ma_base_de_donnees.* from 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; # liste les droits de mon_compte show grants FOR 'mon_compte'@'localhost'; # changer un mot de passe set password for 'mon_compte'@'localhost' = password('...'); # ERROR 1133 (28000): Can't find any matching row in the user table flush privileges; |
Échapper les \ avec un deuxième \ dans les mots de passe. |
Reset password without access
sc-stop mysql # set options to run without granting the tables and networking check sudo systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-networking --skip-grant-tables" sc-start mysql # connect without password sudo mysql -u root mysql |
flush privileges; # reset password set password for 'mon_compte'@'localhost' = password('...'); flush privileges; exit; |
# unset options sudo systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS # remove the modified system configuration sudo systemctl revert mysql sudo killall -u mysql sudo systemctl restart mysql.service # login mysql -u mon_compte -p |
Account with empty username may mask the user you use to login. You should drop all the account with empty user names. |
Types de données
Type | Bytes | Minimum Value | Maximum Value |
TINYINT | 1 | -128 | 127 |
SMALLINT | 2 | -32'768 | 32'767 |
MEDIUMINT | 3 | -8'388'608 | 8'388'607 |
INT | 4 | -2'147'483'648 | 2'147'483'647 |
BIGINT | 8 | -9'223'372'036'854'775'808 | 9'223'372'036'854'775'807 |
Data Type | “Zero” Value | Range |
DATE | '0000-00-00' | '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31' |
TIME | '00:00:00' | |
DATETIME | '0000-00-00 00:00:00' | '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59' |
TIMESTAMP | '0000-00-00 00:00:00' | '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC |
YEAR | 0000 |
Date and Time Functions
set @today = NOW(); set @first_day = DATE_FORMAT(@today, '%Y-%m-01'); set @last_day = LAST_DAY(@today); set @previous_month = @today - INTERVAL 1 MONTH; set @diff_in_days = DATEDIFF(@date1, @date2); -- compare only date part set @diff_in_days = TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, @date2, @date1); -- compare the whole datetime set @formatted_date = DATE_FORMAT(@date1, '%e %b %Y %H:%i'); -- 1 Jan 2021 23:59 |
create table if not exists table1 ( type Enum('buy', 'sell') not null -- 0='', 1=buy, 2=sell ); select * from table1 where type = 2; -- sell |
Ip address
create table iptable ( ip binary(4) not null ); insert into iptable (ip) values (inet6_aton('')); select inet6_ntoa(ip) FROM iptable; |
Charset et Collation
-- afficher le charset et la collation d'une bdd USE MyDb; SELECT @@character_set_database, @@collation_database; -- afficher le charset et la collation de toutes les tables d'une bdd SHOW TABLE STATUS; -- afficher la collation de toutes les colonnes d'une table SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM <table_name>; -- changer le charset et la collation d'une bdd ALTER DATABASE <db_name> CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- changer le charset et la collation d'une table ALTER TABLE <table_name> CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- changer le charset et la collation d'une colonne ALTER TABLE <table_name> MODIFY <column_name> VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; |
Ajouter / modifier des données
insert into my_table (column1, column2) values ('value1-1', 'value1-2'), ('value2-1', 'value2-2'); insert into table1 (column1, column2) select column3, ( select id from table3 where name = 'xxx' ) as table3_id from table2; -- set the last inserted id in the @id variable SET @id = LAST_INSERT_ID(); |
update my_table set column1 = 10, column2 = column2 + 1 where column3 = 0; update my_table as dest, (select Column1, Column2 from AnotherTable) as src set dest.Column1 = src.Column1 where dest.Column2 = src.Column2 |
delete from my_table where column1 = 'value1'; truncate table my_table; -- table keyword is optional |
-- when rows are inserted in MyTable, update AnotherTable CREATE TRIGGER MyTrigger AFTER INSERT ON MyTable FOR EACH ROW UPDATE AnotherTable SET Column1 = NEW.Column1 WHERE Column2 = NEW.Column2; -- NEW target the inserted row drop trigger MyTrigger; show triggers like 'MyTable'; -- table names (not trigger names) to match |
Requêtes sur les données
Limiter le nombre de résultats
-- retourne les 10 premières lignes select colonne from ma_table limit 10 |
Multi select
select 'Value1', ( select count(*) from table1 ) as count_table1; |
With rollup
Over / Window function
SELECT year, country, product, profit, SUM(profit) OVER() AS total_profit, -- sum of all profits for all the countries SUM(profit) OVER(PARTITION BY country) AS country_profit -- sum of profits by country FROM sales ORDER BY country, year, product, profit; |
Where and alias
Standard SQL doesn't allow you to refer to a column alias in a WHERE clause. This restriction is imposed because when the WHERE code is executed, the column value may not yet be determined. (doc) |
select Column1 as c1 from MyTable where c1 > 10 -- Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'c1' in 'where clause' -- use having instead of where select Column1 as c1 from MyTable having c1 > 10 |
WHERE is applied before GROUP BY, HAVING is applied after. |
Temp table
Temporary tables are session specific, they are dropped automatically when the connection is closed.
# exécutez le script de configuration sudo mysql_secure_installation |
Pour une utilisation avec php, activez l'un des trois modules:
/etc/php/php.ini |
extension=mysqli.so ;extension=pdo_mysql.so ;extension=mysql.so |
/etc/mysql/my.cnf |
[client] # Définit le port par défaut port = 3306 # autorise seulement les connexions depuis la machine hôte skip-networking [mysqld] skip-external-locking max_connections = 200 read_buffer_size = 1M sort_buffer_size = 1M # Set key_buffer to 5 - 50% of your RAM depending on how much you use MyISAM tables, # but keep key_buffer_size + InnoDB buffer pool size < 80% of your RAM key_buffer_size = 512M |
/etc/mysql/my.cnf |
innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend:max:500M innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 % of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G # innodb_additional_mem_pool_size was deprecated in MySQL 5.6.3 and removed in MySQL 5.7.4. #innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 2M # Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size innodb_log_file_size = 250M innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50 |
-- give how many actual GB of memory is in use by InnoDB Data in the InnoDB Buffer Pool at this moment -- run it after 1 week or 2 of usage SELECT (PagesData*PageSize)/POWER(1024,3) DataGB FROM (SELECT variable_value PagesData FROM information_schema.global_status WHERE variable_name='Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data') A, (SELECT variable_value PageSize FROM information_schema.global_status WHERE variable_name='Innodb_page_size') B; |
show global status; show variables; |
Replication basée sur les global transaction identifiers (GTIDs)
Replication de données de la bdd master vers une bdd slave en asynchrone.
# afficher les messages de log mysql depuis le boot journalctl -b | grep mysqld # afficher les messages en temps réel journalctl -f # et redémarrer mysqld sudo systemctl restart mysqld |
-- supprime tous les logs sauf ces des 3 derniers jours PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 3 DAY) + INTERVAL 0 SECOND; |
Gérer la taille des logs
/etc/mysql/my.cnf |
# limite la taille des fichiers /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin.xxxxxx expire_logs_days = 10 # default 0 max_binlog_size = 100M # default 1G # fichiers /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0 et /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1 innodb_log_file_size = 64M # innodb_log_file_size ≈ 25 % of buffer pool size # innodb_buffer_pool_size ≈ 50 - 80 % of RAM # désactive le binary logging en commentant les lignes suivantes # attention plus de replication ni de data recovery possible #log-bin=mysql-bin #binlog_format=mixed |
Permet de loguer toutes les requêtes.
-- afficher les variables de log SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "general_log%"; -- définir le fichier de log l'audit SET GLOBAL general_log_file = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.log'; -- démarrer l'audit SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; -- arrêter l'audit SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF'; |
sudo pacman -S mariadb # You need to initialize the MariaDB data directory prior to starting the service. sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql # démarrer mysql pour test sc-start mysqld # change le mot de passe root, autorise ou non l'accès distant avec le compte root, # supprime ou pas la base de données de test et l'utilisateur anonyme créé par défaut. # Recommandé pour un serveur de production. sudo mysql_secure_installation |
# vérifie toutes les table d'une base de données InnoDB mysqlcheck -u root -p --check --databases [nom de la base de données] |
Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
Les indexes InnoDB ont une taille maximale de 767 octets.
Encoding | Nombre d'octets par caractère | Exemple |
latin1 | 1 | varchar(255) → 255 octets |
utf8 | 3 | varchar(255) → 765 octets |
utf8mb4 | 4 | varchar(191) → 764 octets |
Error: 145 Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired
# vérifie Ma_Table check table Ma_Table; # répare Ma_Table repair table Ma_Table; |
# check toutes les tables d'une base de données mysqlcheck MaBaseDeDonnées -u Utilisateur -pMotDePasse |
1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
# vérifie toute les tables de Ma_Base_de_Donnée et liste celles qui posent problème myisamchk --silent --fast /var/lib/mysql/Ma_Base_de_Donnée/*.MYI # --silent → Only print errors. # --fast → Check only tables that haven’t been closed properly. # check all MyISAM tables and repair any that are corrupted myisamchk --silent --force --fast --update-state \ --key_buffer_size=64M --sort_buffer_size=64M --read_buffer_size=1M --write_buffer_size=1M /var/lib/mysql/Ma_Base_de_Donnée/*.MYI |
La commande myisamchk doit être lancée avec l'utilisateur root afin d'avoir accès au contenu du dossier /var/lib/mysql |
MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench : design de BdD
PK | Primary Key |
NN | Not Null |
BIN | Binary (stores data as binary strings. There is no character set so sorting and comparison is based on the numeric values of the bytes in the values.) |
UN | Unsigned (non-negative numbers only. so if the range is -500 to 500, instead its 0 - 1000, the range is the same but it starts at 0) |
UQ | Create/remove Unique Key |
ZF | Zero-Filled (if the length is 5 like INT(5) then every field is filled with 0’s to the 5th value. 12 = 00012, 400 = 00400, etc. ) |
AI | Auto Increment |
G | Generated column. i.e. value generated by a formula based on the other columns |
Convertir une table de MyISAM à InnoDB
alter table ma_table engine=InnoDB; -- génération du script pour migrer toutes les tables d'une base de données SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements FROM information_schema.tables AS tb WHERE table_schema = 'ma_database' AND `ENGINE` = 'MyISAM' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name; |