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Mediawiki 1.43 upgrade

De Banane Atomic


  • Ubuntu ARM 20.04
  • NGINX with PHP-FPM

Install the version 1.43

tar xf mediawiki-1.43.0.tar.gz
sudo mv mediawiki-1.43.0 /var/www

cd /var/www/mediawiki-1.43.0

sudo cp -r images images-kiwi
sudo cp -r cache cache-kiwi

sudo cp -r ../mediawiki/images/. images
sudo cp -r ../mediawiki/images-kiwi/. images-kiwi

# copy the LocalSettings
sudo cp ../mediawiki/LocalSettings* .

# copy the non-native extensions
cd ../mediawiki/extensions
sudo cp -r ContactPage CustomTags Highlightjs_Integration NativeSvgHandler SimpleMathJax SummaryPage ../../mediawiki-1.43.0/extensions

cd mediawiki/resources/assets
sudo rm change-your-logo.svg change-your-logo-icon.svg poweredby_mediawiki_*.png wiki.png
sudo cp arch-logo.svg banane.ico hljs-88x31.png kiwi.ico odroid.svg piwiklogo.png poweredby_mediawiki.svg wiki.png ../../../mediawiki-1.43.0/resources/assets/

# update the owner
cd mediawiki-1.43.0
sudo chown -R root:root .
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data cache/ cache-kiwi/ images/ images-kiwi/ LocalSettings*

Duplicate and upgrade the databases

# dump the databases
sudo mariadb-dump -x -e -B wiki -r wiki.sql
sudo mariadb-dump -x -e -B kiwi -r kiwi.sql

# edit the wiki.sql and kiwi.sql file to change the database name to wiki143 and kiwi143
# restore the dump in the new databases
source wiki.sql
source kiwi.sql

# give the already existing users all the rights to the new databases
grant all on wiki143.* to 'wiki'@'localhost'
grant all on kiwi143.* to 'kiwi'@'localhost'
# upgrade the database
cd /var/www/mediawiki

sudo -u www-data php maintenance/update.php --conf LocalSettings-wiki.php
sudo -u www-data php maintenance/update.php --conf LocalSettings-kiwi.php
# give the already existing users only the necessary rights to the new databases
grant index, create, select, insert, update, delete, alter, lock tables on wiki143.* to 'wiki'@'localhost'
grant index, create, select, insert, update, delete, alter, lock tables on kiwi143.* to 'kiwi'@'localhost'

Remove unnecessary folders

# documentation
sudo rm -rf docs

# test files
sudo rm -rf tests

# unused skins
cd skins
sudo rm -rf MinervaNeue MonoBook Timeless

# other sql providers
sudo rm -rf maintenance/postgres maintenance/sqlite extensions/Math/sql/postgres extensions/Math/sql/sqlite

# unused extensions
cd extensions
sudo rm -rf AbuseFilter CategoryTree Cite CiteThisPage ConfirmEdit DiscussionTools Echo Gadgets ImageMap InputBox Interwiki Linter LoginNotify Nuke OATHAuth PageImages ParserFunctions PdfHandler Poem Scribunto SecureLinkFixer SpamBlacklist SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi TemplateData TextExtracts TitleBlacklist VisualEditor

# lang
setopt extended_glob
cd languages/i18n
sudo rm -- ^(en|fr).json
cd languages/i18n/exif
sudo rm -- ^(en|fr).json
Native extensions
Name Description Keep
AbuseFilter Allows specific behavior-based restrictions to be placed on wiki activity
CategoryTree Provides a dynamic view of the wiki's category structure as a tree
Cite Allows footnotes for citing sources and helps for correctly citing content in offline media
CiteThisPage Adds a special page that provides different citation formats for a particular article
CodeEditor Provides a syntax-highlighting code editor for site & user JS, CSS and Lua pages, integrating with advanced edit toolbar yes
ConfirmEdit Adds CAPTCHAs for page saves and other user actions
Discussion Tools A set of tools to enhance discussion pages
Echo In-wiki notification system that provides the user with alerts and notices about activity on the wiki
Gadgets Allow users to enable JS-based, user-provided gadgets from their preferences page
ImageMap Allows clickable HTML image maps
InputBox Allows users to add predefined HTML forms to wiki pages
Interwiki Adds a special page to view and manipulate the interwiki table
Linter Tracks the errors identified by Parsoid and expose them to editors
LoginNotify Notifies you when someone logs into your account yes
Math Allows to render mathematical formulas yes
MultimediaViewer Provides a better experience to users when they click on thumbnails in a page yes
Nuke Gives sysops the ability to mass delete pages.
OATHAuth Provides two-factor authentication for logging in
PageImages Stores information about images representing a page
ParserFunctions Enhances parser with logical and string functions
PdfHandler Shows uploaded PDF files in a multipage preview layout
Poem Allows easy formatting of poems and similar material
Replace Text Provides a form to let administrators do string replacements on the entire wiki, for both page contents and page titles yes
Scribunto Provides a framework for embedding scripting languages into MediaWiki pages
SecureLinkFixer Rewrites URLs to HTTPS if domain always requires HTTPS
SpamBlacklist Provides a regex-based spam filter
SyntaxHighlight Allows source code to be syntax highlighted on the wiki pages
TemplateData Allows to store, retrieve and visualise information about templates
TextExtracts Provides API with plain-text or limited HTML extracts of page content
Thanks Sends public 'thank you' notifications (via Echo) to other users
TitleBlacklist Blocks the creation of pages matching a regular expression blacklist
VisualEditor Allows for editing pages as rich content
WikiEditor Provides an extendable wikitext editing interface and many feature-providing modules yes