Mediawiki 1.43 upgrade
- Ubuntu ARM 20.04
Install the version 1.43
tar xf mediawiki-1.43.0.tar.gz
sudo mv mediawiki-1.43.0 /var/www
cd /var/www/mediawiki-1.43.0
sudo cp -r images images-kiwi
sudo cp -r cache cache-kiwi
sudo cp -r ../mediawiki/images/. images
sudo cp -r ../mediawiki/images-kiwi/. images-kiwi
# copy the LocalSettings
sudo cp ../mediawiki/LocalSettings* .
# copy the non-native extensions
cd ../mediawiki/extensions
sudo cp -r ContactPage CustomTags Highlightjs_Integration NativeSvgHandler SimpleMathJax SummaryPage ../../mediawiki-1.43.0/extensions
cd mediawiki/resources/assets
sudo rm change-your-logo.svg change-your-logo-icon.svg poweredby_mediawiki_*.png wiki.png
sudo cp arch-logo.svg banane.ico hljs-88x31.png kiwi.ico odroid.svg piwiklogo.png poweredby_mediawiki.svg wiki.png ../../../mediawiki-1.43.0/resources/assets/
# update the owner
cd mediawiki-1.43.0
sudo chown -R root:root .
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data cache/ cache-kiwi/ images/ images-kiwi/ LocalSettings*
Duplicate and upgrade the databases
# dump the databases
sudo mariadb-dump -x -e -B wiki -r wiki.sql
sudo mariadb-dump -x -e -B kiwi -r kiwi.sql
# edit the wiki.sql and kiwi.sql file to change the database name to wiki143 and kiwi143
# restore the dump in the new databases
source wiki.sql
source kiwi.sql
# give the already existing users all the rights to the new databases
grant all on wiki143.* to 'wiki'@'localhost'
grant all on kiwi143.* to 'kiwi'@'localhost'
# upgrade the database
cd /var/www/mediawiki
sudo -u www-data php maintenance/update.php --conf LocalSettings-wiki.php
sudo -u www-data php maintenance/update.php --conf LocalSettings-kiwi.php
# give the already existing users only the necessary rights to the new databases
grant index, create, select, insert, update, delete, alter, lock tables on wiki143.* to 'wiki'@'localhost'
grant index, create, select, insert, update, delete, alter, lock tables on kiwi143.* to 'kiwi'@'localhost'
Remove unnecessary folders
# documentation
sudo rm -rf docs
# test files
sudo rm -rf tests
# unused skins
cd skins
sudo rm -rf MinervaNeue Timeless Vector
# other sql providers
sudo rm -rf maintenance/postgres maintenance/sqlite extensions/Math/sql/postgres extensions/Math/sql/sqlite
# unused extensions
cd extensions
sudo rm -rf AbuseFilter CategoryTree Cite CiteThisPage ConfirmEdit Gadgets ImageMap InputBox Interwiki Nuke OATHAuth PageImages ParserFunctions PdfHandler Poem Renameuser Scribunto SecureLinkFixer SpamBlacklist SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi TemplateData TextExtracts TitleBlacklist VisualEditor
# lang
setopt extended_glob
cd languages/i18n
sudo rm -- ^(en|fr).json
cd languages/i18n/exif
sudo rm -- ^(en|fr).json
Name | Description |
AbuseFilter | Allows specific behavior-based restrictions to be placed on wiki activity |
CategoryTree | Provides a dynamic view of the wiki's category structure as a tree |
Cite | Allows footnotes for citing sources and helps for correctly citing content in offline media |
CiteThisPage | Adds a special page that provides different citation formats for a particular article |
CodeEditor | Provides a syntax-highlighting code editor for site & user JS, CSS and Lua pages, integrating with advanced edit toolbar |
ConfirmEdit | Adds CAPTCHAs for page saves and other user actions |
Gadgets | Allow users to enable JS-based, user-provided gadgets from their preferences page |
ImageMap | Allows clickable HTML image maps |
InputBox | Allows users to add predefined HTML forms to wiki pages |
Interwiki | Adds a special page to view and manipulate the interwiki table |
Math | Allows to render mathematical formulas |
MultimediaViewer | Provides a better experience to users when they click on thumbnails in a page |
Nuke | Gives sysops the ability to mass delete pages. |
OATHAuth | Provides two-factor authentication for logging in |
PageImages | Stores information about images representing a page |
ParserFunctions | Enhances parser with logical and string functions |
PdfHandler | Shows uploaded PDF files in a multipage preview layout |
Poem | Allows easy formatting of poems and similar material |
Renameuser | Provides a special page that allows user accounts to be renamed |
Replace Text | Provides a form to let administrators do string replacements on the entire wiki, for both page contents and page titles |
Scribunto | Provides a framework for embedding scripting languages into MediaWiki pages |
SecureLinkFixer | Rewrites URLs to HTTPS if domain always requires HTTPS |
SpamBlacklist | Provides a regex-based spam filter |
SyntaxHighlight | Allows source code to be syntax highlighted on the wiki pages |
TemplateData | Allows to store, retrieve and visualise information about templates |
TextExtracts | Provides API with plain-text or limited HTML extracts of page content |
TitleBlacklist | Blocks the creation of pages matching a regular expression blacklist |
VisualEditor | Allows for editing pages as rich content |
WikiEditor | Provides an extendable wikitext editing interface and many feature-providing modules |